Google Season of Docs: CHAOSS Project under The Linux Foundation — Week 7

👋Holla everyone!
I am Jaskirat Singh, an open-source research strategist, and tech diversity community management specialist, developing new and improving existing, computer-based technologies, systems, and solutions in advanced open source ecosystems. I have been working quite a while with various communities in the open-source, helping them maintain good relationships with external communities and projects, organizing meetups and events generating FOSS ecosystem, supporting the community in the outreach, creation of tools, and process with good relationships.
I hold a great experience in mentorship spends most of the mine time mentoring and administrating young-minded people across the globe such as an administrator in Google Summer of Code and in Google Code-In for Terasology Foundation(Codeuino), Google Season of Docs Administrator for Open Collective, Mentor at Rails Girls Summer of Code and MLH League Summer program and recently administrating for Codeuino Mentorship project under The Linux Foundation CommunityBridge mentorship platform
I help organizations understand, use, release, and contribute to free and open-source software in a way that’s good for both their end-users and for the community.
Exciting news! I am working within the Google Season of Docs program on a CHAOSS Project under The Linux Foundation.
Things I learned this week
This week I worked on the “Development Guidelines” and some part of the “Documentation Guidelines”
Under the Development Guidelines, I tried to understand the perspective of the Augur, Grimoirlab and, Cregit software under the CHAOSS project in terms of technicalities. After making fair research around them I laid down all the basic requirements needed for any newcomer to get engaged with the CHAOSS community as a developer.
I also wrote the workflow that one needs to take into consideration while contributing to any of the software repositories. With this I had a chance to understand the various process of the technical CHAOSS communities behind these software.
Within the “Documentation Guidelines”, I was able to dig deep into the core of the documentation contribution meaning. I got to learn the types of contribution like
- General improvements: typo corrections, fixing broken refs or links, correcting inaccurate or out-of-date information, and offering better explanations through clearer writing and additional examples.
- New features or new pages: Adding a page of documentation that we haven’t yet covered in our ongoing rewrite attempts as we move platforms, or documenting a new feature that has been added to CHAOSS projects since the last release.
It was a really interesting week.

Work Done this Week
Day 1 [Documentation]
- Wrote about the “Technical Requirements” for the projects under CHAOSS
Day 2 [Research & Documenation]
- Researched on the “Project Structure of the CHAOSS community
- Wrote about Project Structure
- Researched on the Contributing guidelines
- Wrote the “Contributing Workflow” within the community-handbook
Day 3 [General]
- Pulled the latest changes of community-handbook from the GitHub to gitbook.
- Planned to share the announcement of the new handbook on the mailing list and discussed with Georg in the GSoD office hours
Day 4 [Research]
- Wrote the Blog Post for Week-6 and updated the community
- Synced up the work on the GSoD Project Tracker on Github
- Researched on the “Documentation Contribution Guidelines”
Day 5–6 [Research & Documentation]
- Researched on the Documentation process
- Wrote context in response to the Documentation process
- Figured out the basic workflow to mention in the gitbook pages
Day 7 [Documentation]
- Wrote about “Getting Started” for Documentation in the gitbook
There is more exciting ahead in the coming weeks! 😊
Once again, I am very much grateful to my mentors and the community members for being so supportive.
Feel free to connect with me on Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn
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